I am grateful I grew up in a family that valued diversity and gave me the opportunity of different experiences. From hosting people from other countries to celebrating different holidays and having family friends of all types of backgrounds, the value of “diversity” has been instilled in me for quite some time. With the month of February being significant in many ways  (Black History month, Chinese New Year, Valentines Day) I thought it would be important to integrate diversity into the book of the month. By instilling diversity into a child’s life in the smallest ways, we are bringing new values, views, and perspectives into our home and that is the beginning to respecting one another. When we spread the love and show our children how to respect others we are bound to have a more peaceful world. Children Just Like Me has bright photos of children all over the world. It’s the perfect book to introduce children to diversity at a younger age. The brightly colored photos will capture your child’s attention and encourage curiosity about children who are different from them through the clothing, foods, and places they live all around the world.