Winter is just around the corner. The ground in Minnesota is not snow covered yet so I will call it that “in-between” time . The time where many people start to get depressed about the long months ahead.

What if we looked at winter in a different way? What if you change your mindset about winter? 

We have a motivational quote in our bathroom that I purposely set to see as a reminder every single morning. It says “One positive thought can change your whole day.” Mindset is everything. If you can enter this season with a positive grateful heart it will much easier, much lighter, and much more pleasant to go through. 

This morning I went for a run. It was so refreshing and so freeing to be outside. This was only a 15-minute run. That might be all it takes to set your day up for a positive mindset. If it’s not a run…what is it? Give yourself “morning minutes” as Pilar Gerasimo calls them. Morning minutes can help you set your mind for a positive day. It truly can be long lasting throughout the entire day. Try it out and you will start to see the benefits. 

I love Pilar’s work and I admit to mega-fan girling when I went to her book signing last winter (pre-pandemic world.) I highly recommended listening to Hiking Thru Life’s podcast #31 where I talked with Pilar about her journey and Healthy Deviant lifestyle. Be grateful you are alive and treat your body well. The year of the pandemic is the best time to be thinking about gratitude for our bodies.

The Healthy Deviant is an awesome guide book if you need some motivation for gratitude, positivity, healthy living, or need a tool to help you rethink your lifestyle habits. There’s no better time than a pandemic to really look at your priorities and focus on what matters most.   

Some things I am grateful for in this season…

  1. Being able to MOVE every single day. The gift of movement is something not to take for granted. Some people do not have the ability to move on a daily basis. Be thankful for what your body can do. I am beyond thankful for the opportunity to go on walks every day, to do yoga and to move my body in a way each day that gives my body energy. It really sets the tone for a day and in this pandemic I’ve especially been reminded to be thankful for my body every day.
  2. Having a creative outlet. I am so thankful that this year has given me and so many people the opportunity to dive into our creative outlets. Much like movement, a creative outlet helps keep the positive mindset flowing. 
  3. Having basic needs met, and so much more. I am grateful to have a home and food. These are basic needs and all a person need to survive.  Backpacking experiences have taught me that we can survive on very little. It’s the convenience of our modern world that makes it feel like we need all these things to survive. I need to remind myself that so many things surrounded by us in life as optional. In this season especially I am grateful for my basic needs but also the things that make life easier. We are blessed to live in modern society. 
  4. Technology/family from a distance. In the above, I wrote “so much more.” This is the so much more part. This year we do not have the ability to physically be together with family for the holiday. Technology has made it so easy to stay connected at a time in which connections are more valuable than ever. 
  5. My growing family. In the midst of a global pandemic we were blessed with a healthy baby boy. Being able to spend 3 months with him during my maternity leave has been a beautiful experience and I will be forever thankful for that! I am thankful for being reminded to slow down. This two help remind me to slow down. Things will get done. I am grateful to be reminded to slow down and pause.

Whether this year has challenged you in a way you never imagined, or if this year was easy for you we all have something to be thankful for. Even in the most challenging of times, there are reasons to be grateful. I believe the season of winter is a time more than ever to spread gratitude.  Let’s spread it more than ever this season to help people get through the winter blues.