As parents we spend lots of time reading children’s books… but do you ever treat yourself to a book of your choice?

I love getting book recommendations from podcasts, friends, and like-minded outdoor enthusiasts. This list is formed based on my own interests, lifestyle, and hobbies. Many of these are outdoor family-related books, some about finance, some about lifestyle, and some about pure adventure. And with the holidays coming up maybe one of these books will be perfect for someone on your list… or how about a good read for yourself? You deserve to cozy up this winter and read some good books! 

*Note these are in no particular order*

1. Meet The Frugalwoods by Elizabeth Willard Thames. If you are wondering how to start your journey to financial independence, or already have a frugal lifestyle and just want to hear someone else’s story to keep inspiration in your own journey, I highly recommend this read.

Listen to Hiking Thru Life’s podcast episode with author Liz Thames…

#63 Liz Thames of Frugalwoods

2. Last Child In The Woods by Richard Louv. As a preschool teacher, I see the benefits of outdoor play in children and make it a point to get outside with my classes daily. Outdoor play highly increases their social-emotional development and decreases anxiety and stress levels (it’s true of adults, too!) Read this book for plenty of research-based evidence proving why the outdoors is so beneficial to children! It is a must-read for all parents, teachers, educators, and people who want to better the lives of our future generations. 

3. Free to Learn by Peter Gray. Another must-read if you are a teacher, parent, educator, or just want to know why the importance of play is crucial in childhood. It has lasting benefits that will carry on into adulthood too. 

4. Everything That Remains by Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus. If you are seeking a deeper meaning to life, or want to be able to live more deliberately and intentionally, this book is for you.  (I love listening to their podcast The Minimalists, too.) 

5. Dear Bob and Sue by Matt & Karen Smith. One couples collections of emails sent to friends as they describe their experience in the National Parks. Everyone has a story to share, this is just one couple’s way and style of traveling and exploring the country and national parks. 

Listen to Hiking Thru Life’s podcast episode with the authors Matt and Karen…

#38 Adventures with Matt and Karen Smith

6.  Forget Me Not by Jennifer Lowe-Anker. A true story about how the love of climbing gets in between a relationship. A climbing situation changes one woman’s life, forever keeping her connected to the climbing community, along with her 3 sons and late husband’s best friend. 

7.  Home Grown by Ben Hewitt.  This book is a good read into a perspective on “unschooling.”  your children. While there is a big debate around this topic in education, the book is written to share one family’s experience on unschooling and how their children have grown up by playing and learning through hands-on, self-sustaining outdoor experiences on their families homestead in northern Vermont. 

8. The Yellow Envelope by Kim Dinan. This is a must-read for anyone needing to be convinced of all the good that goes into this seemingly chaotic world. Not to mention it made me want to get on the next plane, connect with all kinds of people, and hear their stories while traveling the world. 

Listen to Hiking Thru Life’s podcast episode with the author Kim Dinan…

#24 Kim Dinan and The Yellow Envelope

9. A Long Trek Home by Erin Mckittrick. A young couple takes their journey of trekking through Alaska traveling only by their human power through blizzards, bears, and all the elements. Set out from Seattle to raise awareness of natural resource and conversation issues along their route they take time to explore the wilderness and inspire others. 

10. Small Feet, Big Land by Erin Mckittrick. The same author as the above book, this book explores adapting to the lifestyle of exploration with 2 young children. It will inspire you to not give up your goal for adventure after you have children, but rather create that lifestyle with them!

11. Smart Couples Finish Rich by David Bach. This book is for any couple of any age who is craving an easy to use tool for managing finances and digs deep into the core of why money is often a topic of disagreement amongst couples. Filled with tips, tricks, and tools, this is a book that will encourage you to start talking and taking control of your financial future together as a couple. Perfect for anyone who feels they don’t talk openly about finances with their partner!

12. Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez. A book recommended to me by a like minded couple and friends in our neighborhood. If you are feeling like you are simply living to work and have no control over your financial freedom, this book is for you. From getting out of debt, getting rid of clutter and saving mindfully, this book has something for everyone. Even if you already lead a life in which have control of your finances, this is an easy read book and it’s likely that you will take some insights away.

13. Wild Mindfulness by Laura Larson. This book is a tool for parents and educators to teach mindfulness practice to children. Through outdoor imagery each page includes outdoors illustrations  including camping and hiking. The author writes breathing techniques that are easy for children to follow and go along with the illustrations. This book is perfect to have on your bookshelf (because we all need a mindful moment as a parent!) 

Listen to Hiking Thru Life’s podcast episode with the author Laura Larson…

#47 Laura Larson and Wild Mindfulness

14. Becoming by Michelle Obama. This one really needs no explanation! She was the first lady and did wonders for our country. Read her story of raising a family in the white house while trying to let the girls have a still normal lifestyle.  

15. The Healthy Deviant by Pilar Gerasimo. I admit I mega fan geeked out when I met Pilar this past February at her book launch. Pilar is an award-winning health journalist where she dives into how to be healthy in an unhealthy world. Through sociology, psychology, functional medicine, and her own personal experience she shares how you can start your own journey into being a “healthy deviant” in our world.

Listen to Hiking Thru Life’s podcast episode with the author Pilar Gerasimo…

#31 Pilar Gerasimo and The Healthy Deviant

What book have you read recently that keeps you inspired to keep learning and growing? Read on, friends! 

Peace, love, and hike thru life!