Reading to your baby from birth has an extreme amount of benefits to your child’s development. Hearing the sounds and seeing the pictures will enhance their oral language skills. Reading is also the perfect time for bonding with your baby.

Each month I am going to be featuring a “book of the month.” This is a book of my choice that I’ve been reading to Rory throughout the month. Sometimes the book will be themed to the month, other times it will just be a loved book! By the time this is posted it’s well towards the end of November. I am playing catch up on this series of posts so the rest of the book of the months will come out during that month!

Enjoy the reading motivation each month!

October was the very first month of Rory’s life. I actually didn’t have the inspiration to do a “Book Of The Month” until the end of October. I realized I had Little Owl’s Night on the nightstand during the entire first month of Rory’s life. Through the sleepless nights, I found myself reading this book or more so mimicking the animal noises in the book. The owl in this book is learning all about the world, more so all about night time. This is quite a perfect book for a baby’s first month because as parents we can relate to teaching our babies all about the world and the curiosity a little one holds. Everything is so new to a baby and the curiosity of the owl well represents what’s in store for the baby years. At less than one-month-old Rory was responding to the animal sounds and staring up at me. The bonding this book can create is beautiful! You can truly do this with any book but if you are looking for some nature and wildlife inspiration…this is a good one. Curiosity truly feeds the soul of little ones and if we allow it to it will feed the soul of adults too!

What are you reading this month to your child? Share with me in the comments! 

Read on!
