Happy 2021! It’s a New Year. The holidays are over, and the winter blues might really be setting in for some people. If you read my Gratitude for the Season post, I really highlighted the importance of being positive and grateful.  When we have little things in life to look forward to the long season of winter can be much more enjoyable. Here are some free and simple things to do as we hibernate in a COVID world this winter.

  • Cozy up with some good books. Books are a way to expand your learning, grow your curiosity, and pass those long cold winter days. And really, the whole family can enjoy some books! Have a young one? Get them a book on CD from the Library.  Or try the Novel Effect app for books that adds sounds affects as you read the books! What’s on your reading list? Need reading ideas? Take a peek at some of my favorites books from the past couple of years.
  •  Play games. You don’t have board games in your house? No problem.  Board games can be free. I often see board games for free on Facebook Marketplace (here are my tips for using Facebook Marketplace.) Did you know you can borrow games from public libraries? That’s where I first discovered the game Trekking The National Parks. After you play the board game and need another activity, take a listen to my conversation with the Binkeles, the creators of the board game. They were featured in Hiking Thru Life podcast episode #17.  If you live alone play a virtual game with the family! 
  • Practice a workout routine every single day. Even if it’s just for a few minutes, start somewhere. A little bit of movement will help boost your winter blues mood away.  It’s hard to always find the motivation to workout. If you aren’t self driven consider connecting with the millions of online fitness communities that have come about during the pandemic. A new online community for fitness and lifestyle, Shape and Foster has just launched this new year. You can listen to my podcast episode with the founder Calum. Check out their FREE trial for some workout ideas! If you are self-driven you can throw a YouTube workout on.  My favorite YouTube gals to turn on are Madfit and Yoga with Adrienne. While you do your routine, your child can do one too! A favorite kid-friendly yoga to follow is Cosmic Kids Yoga! When I was online teaching last Spring I gave this resource to families. Parents and students loved it! It’s the perfect time to let your inner child out and allow the whole family to PLAY!
  • Start journaling. Journaling is an activity that can be done at any age. It’s an activity that is meditative for the mind and creativity. All you need is paper and writing utensils! I’ll mention Facebook Marketplace again…I see crayons, markers, writing utensils on here all the time! In my pre-K classes, the students journal by drawing pictures. Have your child draw pictures and ask them about it…write down their story! After you take time to journal share what you wrote with each other. 
  • Simplify your home. I often go through things in our home and think about their true meaning. If it no longer has value to me, it’s time to go. It feels good, especially when the things you are getting rid of are going to someone who will actually make use of it. Offer those items up for free on Facebook  Marketplace…it’s likely someone will take it, meaning you don’t need to get in the car and use gas to drive to a donation center! Make it a family event and use it as a time to teach your children about others in need while doing this activity. A podcast I really enjoy about simplifying is The Minimalists. I recommend this book too.
  • Food prep for the next backpacking season. All right, so this isn’t totally free but you are going to be eating this winter either way. So why not make some extra this winter and spend more time on the trail next summer? It’s fun to dive into different recipes. If you don’t know where to start check out Backcountry Foodie. Aaron has healthy backpacking recipes for food items that you probably already have as staples in your home. I like making double batches of meals and turning one of them into a backpacking meal. 
  • Build a fort and go indoor camping! Miss the camping season but think it’s too cold to winter camp? Bring camping indoors! Build a fort, or set up your tent indoors! Get out the flashlights and read a story by flashlight. You could take turns making up a story!  This is a fun way to get the whole family involved and bonding together. Just like camping, be sure to keep technology away so you can really make intimate memories together.
  • Go on a family walk to see the holiday lights. The magic of the holidays is so special when you can be with your family and take in the holiday lights. Make it extra special with some hot cocoa in travel mugs! This can be a reminder that in our society you don’t need the rush of the holiday shopping and presents to make the holidays magical. You just need loved ones and some good spirit.  Make it a  fun game for the kids and challenge the whole family with this holiday light scavenger hunt!
  • Make a COVID family time capsule. The year of COVID has been a challenging one. As a family make a “time capsule” to show what this year has meant to everyone. What have you learned? What lessons will you take away from it? Each family member can add to the time capsule in their own way…draw, write, take photos, put objects in. This will become a historical family piece for generations to come! Don’t forget to put a mask in the time capsule.
  •  Dig up your old photographs and share stories with your family. Find photos from when you were a child and share those memories with your child! What better time than now to do that!
  •  Watch some new movies. Did you know there are free movie streaming services available from the library? They might not offer popular movies but it can be fun to dig into independent films. Kanopy is the free streaming service offered through my local library. Check into yours! You can also do free trials on services like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. 
  • I simply cannot end the free list without my #1 suggestion (let’s be honest, it’s my #1 suggestion all year round) GET OUTSIDE! If you live in Minnesota especially, there are countless places to go winter exploring. If you aren’t sure how to dress for the outdoors in winter read our article about layering for the cold. Hike, build a snowman, have a snowball fight, roll down a hill, shovel, look for animal tracks, there a ton of fun and free outdoor activities!  If you don’t have the proper winter gear try checking a local thrift shop for winter gear, or talk to friends/family to pass on their kid’s winter gear!  There are many free winter events that the Three Rivers Park District in MN hosts throughout the winter. Check out their free activities and calendar here.

I have to admit as I am writing this article my weather app just showed snow in the forecast for the next 3 days and I’m beaming with a smile. I realize not all people are as excited about winter as us. You can see in this photo we stay outdoors until icicles grow on facial hair. No matter if you like winter or not…try to enter the season with some activities and your outcome could be more positive than you’d expect.